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V-Ray for SketchUp version 1.49.01 with SketchUp 8 Support Now Available

V-Ray for SketchUp version 1.49.01 with SketchUp 8 Support Now Available
Info baru bagi anda para vrayer indonesia, telah di release vray terbaru untuk sketchup yakni versi 1.49.01 yang mendukung juga pada program sketchup versi 8, langsung saja di download versi demonya trial 30 hari.. gambar-gambar berikut ini merupakan gambar hasil render menggunakan vray sketchup versi terbaru. Untuk mendownloadnya silahkan baca artikel dibawah ini..

V-Ray for SketchUp version 1.49.01 with SketchUp 8 Support Now Available

The release of V-Ray for SketchUp version 1.49.01 is now available and features SketchUp 8 support.

In addition to SketchUp 8 compatibility, V-Ray for SketchUp version 1.49.01 also includes the following fixes and changes:

* TexSky now uses values in the SunLight plugin, if one is specified.
Additional controls have been added to the SunLight so you can have full control over the behavior of the sun and sky when a sun is specified.
* Introduced “roughness” parameter to diffuse brdf.
* V-Ray Default Material is now called Standard.
* Fixed issue that would cause crash when attempting to load non-existent visopt/vismat file.
* Fixed issue where DRSpawner would crash if the computer went to sleep (OSX).
* Fixed issue where texture paths were not being corrected when they were being imported.
* Fixed issue that prevented users from saving from the VFB to a unicode file path.

V-Ray for SketchUp version 1.49.01 with SketchUp 8 Support Now Available

For those who are currently in the process of using the V-Ray for SketchUp demo, all demo activations have been reset so that the new build can be downloaded and installed.

Demo V-Ray for SketchUp free for 30 days:

V-Ray for SketchUp (Windows Edition)

V-Ray for SketchUp (Mac Edition)

Purchase V-Ray for SketchUp version 1.49.01 Now:

V-Ray for SketchUp (Windows Edition)

V-Ray for SketchUp (Mac Edition)

V-Ray for SketchUp version 1.49.01 with SketchUp 8 Support Now Available

Sip, tunggu info terbaru dari blogargajogja postingan berikutnya , Maturnuwun


  1. mohon pencerahannya mas, export dari skp 8 ke max 2009 kok filenya gabung ya, cara ungroup ato explode di max gimana ya…. keliatannya sih file skp nya yg ga beres…hahahahaha thks

  2. Gan…ane baru nemu blog agan..Ajibbb bener, ane baru belajar ma yang namaya Sketchup 8, nah kemaren ane dah donlod itu yang namanya Vray for Skerchup..tapi adanya di Destop aja, gimana ya gan supaya masuk ke program Sketchupnya..tolong pencerahannya gan…thanks before

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