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Download Berbagai Pedoman Peraturan Dalam Teknik Sipil

Download Berbagai Pedoman Peraturan Dalam Teknik Sipil

Download Berbagai Pedoman Peraturan Dalam Teknik Sipil

Berikut ini kami berikan informasi dimana kita bisa download berbagai code atau peraturan yang bisa anda gunakan sebagai acuan atau referensi dalam perencanaan proyek teknik sipil, info ini saya dapatkan di blognya pak wiryanto dewobroto a professional lecturer,  a structural engineer of design and construction [steel and concrete structures], and master with computer structural modelling, analysis and design.

Berikut ini adalah link downloadnya

STANDAR NASIONAL INDONESIA atau pedoman semacamnya

  • SNI 03-4814-1998 :Spesifikasi Bahan Penutup Sambungan Beton Tipe Elastis Tuang Panas (down-load PDF 44 kb)
  • SNI 03-6431 -2000 ( Pd M-19-1999-03) : Metode Pengujian Waktu Alir Beton Berserat Dengan Kerucut Uji Slump Yang Dibalik (down-load PDF 13 kb)
  • SNI 03-6814-2002 : Tata Cara Pelaksanaan Sambungan Mekanis Untuk Tulangan Beton (down-load PDF 74 kb)
  • SK SNI 03 – xxxx – 2002 (16 Desember 2002) : Tata cara perhitungan struktur beton untuk bangunan gedung (down-load PDF 3.45 Mb)
  • SNI 03 – 1729 – 2002 Tata Cara Perencanaan Struktur Baja Untuk Bangunan Gedung (down-load PDF 2.7 Mb)
  • SNI – 1726 – 2002 : Standar Perencanaan Ketahanan Gempa Untuk Struktur Bangunan Gedung (down-load PDF 372 kb)
  • SNI 07-0329-2005 : Baja profil I-beam proses canai panas Bj.P I-Beam (down-load PDF 422 kb)
  • Pedoman Teknis : “Metode Pembangunan Jalan Berbasis Tenaga Kerja”, Edisi Pertama, dipersiapkan untuk Kementerian Pembangunan Perdesaan, oleh Bjorn Johannessen Engineering Consultant dan I.T. Transport Ltd Consultants in Transport for Rural Development (buku 195 halaman, down-load PDF 4.25 Mb)

Link pada artikel lain yang terkait dengan tema di atas

ASCE (American Society of Civil Engineers)

  • Guide to the Use of the Wind Load Provision of ASCE 7-02
    published by th American Society of Civil Engineers
    138 pages ( download file size 15 Mb )

ACI (American Concrete Institute)

  • ACI 351.3R-04 : Foundations for Dynamic Equipment,
    Reported by ACI Committee 351
    This report presents to industry practitioners the various design criteria and methods and procedures of analysis, design, and construction applied to dynamic equipment foundations.
    (download *.RAR 636 kb)
  • ACI 318-08 : Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete and Commentary
    An ACI Standard, Reported by ACI Committee 318
    (down-load PDF 16.463 Mb)
  • ACI 315-99 : Details and Detailing of Concrete Reinforcement
    Reported by ACI Committee 315
    This document provides standards of practice for both the architect/engineer (A/E) and reinforcing steel detailer in showing reinforcing steel details. It is divided into three parts: one addressed to the A/E, one for the detailer, and a third providing a reference table and figures. It defines the responsibilities of both the A/E and detailer. It then establishes certain standards of practice for both the structural and placing drawings.
    (down-load PDF 859 KB)
  • ACI 318M-05 : Building Code Requirements For Structural Concrete And Commentary
    ACI 318M-05 is a complete metric companion to ACI 318-05. ACI 318-05 is deemed to satisfy ISO 19338, “Performance and Assessment Requirements for Design Standards on Structural Concrete,” Reference Number ISO 19338.2003(E). Also Technical Corrigendum 1: 2004.
    (down-load PDF 9.06 Mb)
  • ACI 336.2R : Suggested Analysis and Design Procedures for Combined Footings and Mats)

Eropa British dan sebangsanya

National Standard of the Peoples Republic of China

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